10 Copies Of Sarah Whitehead’s Clever Dog To Win!

K9 Magazine is delighted to offer 10 lucky readers the chance to win a copy of Sarah Whitehead’s book Clever Dog. From startling facts about its origins, to the fundamental reasons behind dog and man’s unbreakable attachment, ‘Clever Dog: Understanding What Your Dog Is Telling You’ explores the myths that so many pet owners have been led to believe – and forms conclusions as to how our future relationship with the dog needs to change in order to survive, and thrive.

With her unique understanding of the secret language of dogs and her belief that all dogs are ‘clever dogs’, Sarah uses amusing anecdote and useful case histories to discover the mysteries of dog behaviour and show us a way of communicating with the four-legged friend who shares our hearts and homes.

With fascinating case studies and expert practical advice, Clever Dog is much more than a guidebook – it is the book your dog would want you to buy.

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