6 Copies Of Albert the Handydog To Giveaway

This month K9 Magazine are pleased to offer readers the chance to win a copy of the fantastic new illustrated book, Albert the Handydog, which brings you the story of an extraordinary Pug.

Albert isn’t anything like those smooth-coated, lap-sitting, fat-scrunching, face-licking members of his breed; no, he is more of a DIY-ing, bubble-bath-soaking, wild-woolly-coated, helpful handydog. He lives with the Bunting family on Leaf Lane, and is best friends with their daughter Lily. The story begins with Albert attending a job at the home of Old Major Brandy (a heavily decorated army dog with a penchant for a drop of Whisky!).

Albert the Handydog book cover

Albert narrowly avoids serious injury while cleaning the Major’s gutters and cannot wait to get home to his nightly bubble bath soak. 

However, his sud-soaked dreams of relaxation are dashed when he arrives home to find visitors. Mrs Bunting’s rude, pointy-faced sister is arriving with her husband, they are staying the night on their way to a very important business meeting. Albert tries his best to help make their stay run smoothly – but you see, wherever Albert goes, trouble seems to ensue…

To find out more about Albert, visit www.darrenbakerfineart.co.uk

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